conj And. 2 as. Thusa agus mise, you and I; tha e cheart cho math agus a bha e, it is just at good as it was. “'Us” has generally been supposed, of late years, to be a contraction of agus, but the late Dr. Cameron of Brodick, always maintained that “is” and not “'us” should be used as a mere copulative conjunction. Is couples words and phrases only and should never be preceded by a comma. Agus is not only a mere copulatve conjunction, but also an emphatic copulative conjunction and should always be used after a comma. Nach truagh leat mi agus mi am prìosan? do you not pity me and I in prison? cho luath 's is urrainn dhomh, as soon as I can; am bi thu cho math agus mo fhreagairt? will you be so qood as to answer me? Is according to Windisch, is not an abbreviation of agus. See “is”.
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
agus |
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a h-uile biadh a smuainticheas |
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truagh |
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Nach |
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The |
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