Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-a, sm [sf in Badenoch]. Knowledge, information. 2 Notice, intelligence. 3 Word, message. 4‡‡ Science. 5 Art, understanding. 6‡‡ Vision. Fhuair mi fios, I got word; thoir fios, inform, give notice; fhuair sinn droch fhios, we received sad intelligence; am fios dhut? a bheil fios agad? do you know? tha fios agam, I know; cuine a fhuair thu fios? when did you get information? a-réir fios dhomh-sa, to the best of my knowledge; as fhios don bheò, what the living know; 'ga fios, to her knowledge; 'ga fhios, to his knowledge; thàinig e a-steach gun fhios dha, he came in unknown to him; gun fhios nach dig e, not knowing whether he may come; gun fhios dé a nì mi, not knowing what I shall do; gun fhios carson, without knowing why; thàinig fios ort, a message came for you; fios an tòrraidh, an invitation to the funeral; fios fuadain, a flying report; fios nam fàidh, fore-knowledge; am fios a bu lugha, the slightest knowledge; fios air an fhios, repeated information; an urgent invitation; is beag fios dhomh-sa, little do I know; fios freagairt, an answer to a leter; tha fios fithich agad, you have a raven's knowledge — supposed to be supernatural; also said to cheeky children; foighneachd air fios, foighneachd as miosa a tha ann, asking what in well known, the worst of asking; chuir mi fios air a-nìos thugam, I sent word to him to come from below to me. [see ex. under dathadair].

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Chan eil mi eòlach air an fhacal seo idir / I don't know this word  0 %
Tuigidh mi am facal seo ach cha chleachd mi e / I know this word but don't use it  0 %
Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it  100 %

Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
Facal-luirg/Search termBreith buntainneis
/Relevance judgement
Àireamh nam breith buntainneis
/Number of relevance judgements
fios 100
ficheadamh 51
Know 0
knowledge 20
Whether 0
Answer 0