sm Man. 2 Husband. 3 Any object or person of the masculine gender. 4 Male. Thus Declined: Indefinite.
Nom. |
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am fear
na fir
Gen. |
an fhir
nam fear
Dat. |
(do)n fhear
(do) na fearaibh
[Firibh, given by ** as dat. pl. is wrong). Cath an fhir mhóir, the hero's battle; fear dhiubh, one of them; an torc a lot d' fhear, the boar that wounded your husband; am Fear Math, God — Arran; am fear dona, the devil — Arran; am fear mór, the devil — Argyll, Skye, Uist; mac an fhir mhóir, a son of the devil; am fear mór port no port a gheibh sibh bhuam a-nochd, de'il a tune will you get from me tonight; am fear ud, the devil — Uist; am fear ud troigh, de'il a foot. [Generally used to signify a single or individual man, in contradistinction to duine, which means a human being. Tha aon dhiubh seo aig gach fear, every man (but not woman) has one of these; tha aon aig gach duine, every man (and woman) has one. Compound words beginning with fear, form their plural with fir when men only are intended but with luchd when women as well as men may be included, as, fear-ciùil, pl. luchd-ciùil, musician. fear-ain-cheairt, a buffoon, puppet. fear-ainneirt, a tyrant. fear-airm, a soldier. fear-aiseig, a ferryman. fear-amhairc, fir-amhairc, an overseer, 2 scout. fear an taighe, the “Goodman” of the house. fear-astair, ** a traveller, pedestrian. fear-baile, a farm-tenant, fear a' bhaile, the farm-tenant. 2 Tacksman, one allowed to sublet his land. fear-bainnse, a bridegroom; fear na bainnse, the bridegroom. fear-ballain, a cupper. fear-bàta, a boatman. fear-bogha, * an archer. fear-brataich, an ensign (officer's rank). 2 a standard-bearer. fear-brath, a spy, traitor. fear-brionsgail, a dreamer. fear-brosgail, a flatterer. fear-buitseachd, a wizard, sorcerer. fear-caidridh, an accompanier. fear-cartach, a carter. fear-casaid, an accuser. fear-casaidh, an assailant. fear-ceàird, a tradesman, mechanic, artificer, travelling tinsmith. fear-cheistean, a catechist. fear-cinnidh, a kinsman, clansman. fear-chrìochnachaidh, a finisher. fear-chur, a champion. fear-ciùil, a musician. fear-ciùird, see fear-ceàird. fear-cluig, a bell-man. fear-cobhair, a helper. fear-cogaidh, a soldier. fear-coghnaidh, see fear-còmhnaidh. fear-coimhid, a watchman, scout, overseer. fear-còmhnaidh, a contributor, helper. 2 dweller. fear-comaraidh, a patron. fear-comainn, fir-chomainn, an associate. fear-connspaid, a wrangler. fear-cosnaidh, a worker, working man, breadwinner for a family. fear-cuairt, fir-chuairt, a sojourner, visitor, tourist. fear-cuideachaidh, a helper. fear-cuideachd, fir-chuideachd, a buffoon; droll, jovial companion, bottle companion. fear-cuidich, a helper, assistant. fear-cuir, a sower. fear-cuiridh, an inviter. fear-cùirn, an outlaw. 2 absconder. fear cùl-chàinidh, a slanderer. fear-cumaidh, an artificer, former, framer. fear-cumail suas, a sustainer. fear-cunntais, an accountant. fear-dàin or fear-dàna, pl. fir-dhàin or fir-dhàna, a poet. fear-dàna, an adventurer. fear-deasbaireachd, a debater. fear-deilbhe, an artificer, artist. fear-dìona, a defendant. fear droch-bheairt, an evil-doer. fear-duan, see under fear-fuinn. fear-ealain, an artisan. fear-eadraiginn, a reconciler. fear-faire, fir-fhaire, a watchman, sentinel, sentry. Fear-faire na h-aon sùla, the one-eyed watcher — a legendary character. fear-farcluaise, an eavesdropper. fear-fàsaich, an ascetic. fear-fasgnaidh, a fanner. fear-feachd, a soldier. fear-fearainn, a landed proprietor. fear-fiacha, a creditor. fear-foghlaim, a teacher. fear-fòirneirt, an oppressor, robber, violator. fear-fritheil, see fear-frithealaidh. fear-frithealaidh, an attendant. fear-fuadain, fir-fhuadain, an outcast, fugitive, straggler, vagabond, exile. fear-fuinn, a chorus man, one of a band of men who went about singing carols. Their leader was called fear-duan. fear gairm-cùirte, a court crier. fear-gléidhidh, a keeper. fear-gnìomha, a workman. fear gu breith, a dictator or judge (Caesar's “Vergobretus,” appointed by the Gael of old to take supreme command in case of emergency against a common enemy —Gàidheal, ii, 129. fear-iasachd, a borrower. fear-innleachd, fir-innleachd, an artist, engineer, ingenious person. fear-innsidh, a teller. fear-iomchair, a bearer. fear-iomaill, an accolent. fear-ionaid, an agent, attorney. 2 Lieutenant. fear-ionaid rìgh, a viceroy. fear-iùil, a pilot. 2 a guide. fear-labhairt, fir-labhairt, a speaker, spokseman. fear-lagha, pl. fir-lagha &, lucbd-lagha, a lawyer. fear làimh-chèirde, fir làimh-chèirde, an artist. 2 Artisan, mechanic. fear-laoidh, a hymnist. fear-leisgeul, an excuser. fear na fàrdaich, the host of the house. fear nuadh-pòsta, a bridegroom. fear-oibre, luchd-oibre, an artisan, artificer. fear-pòsta, fir-phòsta, a bridegroom, 2 married man, husband. fear-ràiteachais, a boaster. fear-réite, a reconciler. fear-riachaid, a steward. fear-riaghlaidh, a magistrate, ruler, governor, overseer. fear-rùin, a confidant. fear-sanais, an advertiser. fear-saoraidh, a redeemer. fear-sàrachaidh, an oppressor. fear-seòlaidh, fir-sheòlaidh, a director, guide, steerer, helmsman. fear-sgrìobhaidh, fir-sgrìobhaidh, a writer. fear-sgrùdaidh, fir-sgrùdaidh, a searcher, scrutinizer. 2 Critic. fear-siubhail, fir-shiubhail, a traveller. fear solar-lòin, a caterer. fear-sodail, a flatterer. fear-stiùraidh, fir-stiùraidh, a steersman, regulator, guide. fear-suilbheachd, an overseer. fear-suirgh, fir-shuirgh, a sweetheart, wooer. fear-sùl, & fear sùl-bheachd, an observer. fear-tagair, see fear-tagraidh. fear-tathaich, a visitor. fear-tagraidh, a pleader, defender, pursuer. 2 Advocate. fear-taighe, a husband. fear-táimh, an abider. fear-tàmha, see fear-tàimh. fear-talaich, a grumbler. fear-tathainn, a barker. fear-teòma, an artist. fear-togalach, a bearer. 2 Uplifter. 3 a builder. fear togal-fuinn, a precentor, leader of a choir. fear-tuaileis, a backbiter. fear-tuiniche, an abider. fear-turais, fir-thurais, a wayfaring man, traveller. fear-uibe, a wizard. fear-uidhe, a traveller. 2 A pedestrian. fear-ùmhlaidh, an amercer. fear-urrais, a surety.
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
fear |
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farm |
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cha dig olc á teine |
| 50 |
Straggler |
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laoidh |
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