Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-aich, sm Hospitable person, one liberal of his own. 2 Beautiful person. 3 Term familiarly used in addressing or speaking of a person of low rank. 4 Eunuch. 5 Fumbler — Sàr-Obair. 6* Odd fellow. 7* One castrated for committing adultery. 8(DMy) Champion, hero, giant. Có dhiubh a tha annad, òlach a tha ag iarraidh gleachd no còmhraig, no òlach a tha ag iarraidh maighstir? which are you, a lad that wants to wrestle or fight or a lad that wants a master? òlach tapaidh, a kind and brave man, a commendable man; nach b' e an t-òlach e! what a hero he is; mar a dh'iobras òlach, as a hero gives way.

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òlach 50
Buidheann Dìon Àrainneachd na h-Alba 50