-ich, sm Increase. 2 Good fortune, prosperity, success. 3 Fate. 4 Blessing. 5 Issue, progeny, 6** Avail. 7(MS) Improvement. 8(MS) Augmentation. [** gives sf] Piseach air do phiseach agus piseach ann 'ad bhroinn! may you see your offspring's offspring and have a young progeny yourself! piseach ort! success to you! am bi piseach orra? will they prosper? le piseach a bhilean sàsaichear e, by the increase of his lips he shall be filled; dh'òladh e a pheighinn phiseachd, he would drink his last penny; buaidh is piseach leat! success and prosperity be with you! piseach math ort! I wish you good luck, I wish you a good match! cha do shaltair neach air a phiseach, no one ever prevented his fate.
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