-a, -an, sm Shriek, yell, loud shrill cry. 2 Blast, sound of high wind. 3 Appearance of the sea in a squall. 4 Howl of a dog when hurt or when hunting. †5(AF) Calf. 6** Skirl of the bagpipes. 7 see sgàladh. 8(DU) Outburst of speech, crying &c. 9(DU) Spell of any form of activity. 10* Sudden, quick cry. Sgal a chuilein, the howl of the dog; sgail gaoithe, a squall of wind; sgal air càineadh, air iomradh, air itheadh &c, a spell of scolding, rowing, eating &c — Gairloch.
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sgal |
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cumhachdail |
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