-uic, sm Stock, trunk, root, stump. 2 Post, pillar. 3 Sounding horn, trumpet. 4 Family, race, progenitors. 5 Wealth, store, cattle, capital. 6* Pack of cards. 7* Cravat. 8 Cravat stiffener. 9 Stock of a rudder, see rudder 3, p. 78. 10 Principal part of any wooden structure. 11 Base of a spinning-wheel. 12 Stock of a bagpipe, p. 722. Stoc luinge, the deck or gunwale or a ship; stoc bàta, gunwale of a boat; stoc leabaidh, bedstead or the sides of a bedstead; ged a bhàsaicheadh an stoc, though the trunk should perish.
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stoc |
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Trumpet |
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trunk |
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clàr-gheamannan |
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