fuinn, sm Land, earth, plain. 2 Region, district, country. 3 Delight, pleasure, 4 Desire, longing, carnal inclination, excitation. 5 Frame of mind, temper, humour. 6* Air, tune, music. 7** Drone of a bagpipe. 8(DU) Chorus. Trì ruinn 's am fonn, three verses and the chorus; dé fonn a tha ort? how do you do? tha fonn ciatach air, he is in grand humour; fonn clàrsaich, harp music; dh'éirich fonn air, desire awakened within him; fonn diadhaidh, a hymn; fonn cadail, a lullaby; cheum e troimhn fhonn, he marched over the plain; chriothnaich am fonn, the earth trembled; fonn is cuan, land and sea.
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fonn |
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biona |
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land |
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bhiona |
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