-ean & -eannan, sm Knot, tie. 2 Difficulty, puzzle. 3 Bunch. Daoine a dh'fhuasgladh gach snaim, men who would solve every difficulty. 1 Lùbag cas-laoigh, a half-hitch knot. 2 Lùb-ruith, a running-knot. 3 Snaim a' bhanna, a reef-knot, a square knot. 4 Snaim a' bhreabadair, the weaver's knot. 5 Snaim a' bhuailtein, the clove-hitch. 6 Snaim an fhigheadair, the weaver's knot. 7 Snaim an t-seòladair, the reef-knot. 8 Snaim calpa an dubhain, the knot put on fishing-hooks' shanks. 9 Snaim calpa an dula, half hitch on the loop. 10 Snaim casa-caorach, sheep-shank knot. 11 Snaim-chaillich, granny's knot. 12 Snaim chruaidh, a hard knot. 13 Snaim do sheanmhar, your granny's knot. 14 Snaim gartain, knot used when garters were fastened outside the stocking. It is illustrated in Logan's “Scottish Gael,” 2nd ed., vol. 1, p. 205. Cladaich, Lochawe, was a famous place for knitting garters. 15 Snaim na banaraich, the milkmaid's knot — the way she fastens her dress at the back after lifting it. 16 Snaim-ruith, a slip-knot, running knot. 17 Snaim snòda, the knot put on the snoods of horse-hair. [Names of knots, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16 & 17 from DMy; 4, 7 & 11 from AH and 14 from “Fionn”.]
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neo-threibhdhireas |
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Sheep |
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