def. v Go, proceed, move, travel, walk. Active Voice: IND past chaidh mi etc, I etc went. IND fut théid mi etc, I etc will go. [Although commonly given by grammars as the future tense of rach, théid is quite a different word]. INTERR & NEG past (an? nach? cha) deach or deachaidh mi etc. INTERR & NEG fut (an? nach? cha) déid mi etc. SUBJ past (ged) rachainn, (though) I would go; (ged) rachadh tu, e, i, (though) you would go, he, she would go; (ged) rachamaid, (though) we would go; (ged) rachadh sibh, iad, (though) you, they, would go. SUBJ fut (ma) théid mi etc, (if) I etc shall go. IMP 1st pers sing racham, let me go. INF a dhol, to go. PRES PART a' dol, going. Used Impersonally thus: IMP rachar, theirigear, na rachar. IND past deachas, chaidheas, an deachas? cha deachas. IND fut déidear, théidear, an déidear? cha déidear. Am fear a théid lideag am mearachd, the man who goes a syllable, letter, least bit, wrong; chaidh làithean na seachdain iomrall orra, they got confused about (lost count of) the days of the week; chaidh a' chùis sa mhuileann orm, I became hopelesely puzzled over the matter; chaidh thu gu Dùn Bheagain orm, you went to the extreme with me — lit. to Dunvegan, a Lochaber saying — NGP; chaidh mi 'nam cheò, 'nam bhreislich, I became mystified, muddled; chaidh mi bho obair, bho rath, bho fheum, I have become very useless; chaidh mo thoirt ás mo ghabhail, I have been disappointed of my original intention; chaidh mi thar mo shiubhail, thar mo sgeòil, I have deviated from, lost, my road, my story; chaidh sinn thar a chéile, we quarrelled, fell foul of each other; chaidh mi am feirg choimhich, I became transported with rage; chaidh iad gu bròn 's gu briseadh-cridhe, they gave way to mourning and heart-grieving; chaidh mi a-rithis gu m' smuaintean, I reconsidered things, reviewed matters again; chaidh e gu mór bho 'aire fhéin, he was so distraught as to be hardly himself; chaidh am bàta air chrith, the boat began to quiver; cha deach sin gu math dhaibh, that did not suit them at all, it upset them; ciamar a chaidh dhut? how did you manage, get on, how did things turn out for you? rach air d' aghaidh, or rach air adhart, proceed; mas tu a tha ann, is tu chaidh ás, if that be you, you have sadly altered, you are merely the shadow of your former self; chaidh e ás orm, he escaped from me, evaded me; chaidh an teine ás orm, the fire I kindled (or was tending) went out; chaidh ás dhaibh, they died, were killed, their influence ceased; cha déid anam á mac bodaich le mùiseig, threats will not kill a churl's son; is mairg a rachadh fo do mheachannas, pity him who would trust to your discretion or mercies; chaidh Rìgh Lochlainn am meinn na Féinne, the king of Lochlann begged the clemency of the Fingalians; chaidh mi an dail, an ceann, an seilbh no an tarraing na h-oibre, or chaidh mi an sàs anns an obair, I set about the work; chaidh agam air, I managed it, accomplished it or I prevailed over him; cha déid gad air gealladh, you cannot bind a promise with a withy; cha déid fiach air beul duinte, a closed mouth does not run into debt; cha déid plàst air bagairt, a threat needs no plaster; chaidh a' bhròg oirre mu a cois, the shoe fitted her foot, slipped on to it; chaidh na geinneagan air a' chòta, the buttons were attached to the coat; chaidh eòin an geall caithream, the birds began chorusing; na h-igheanan is bòidhche a théid air ùrlar, the lasses who dance most elegantly; an nighean as deise a théid fon éideadh, the girl who dresses most tastefully; an latha a théid clò ùr air faiche, the day the new cloth or dress is sported in public; théid iad air faoigh, they will go on a genteel begging expedition; théid iad air a' bhannaig, they will go on a bannock-begging Christmas round; théid iad air an déirc, they will go begging for alms; théid iad air chéilidh thuige, they will go on a visit to him; théid iad 'nan deannaibh, they will go, running furiously; rachaibh dhachaigh, go (you pl). home; théid sinn dhachaigh, we will go home; na teirig dhachaigh, don't go home; chaidh sinn dhachaigh, we went home; an deachaidh e dhachaigh? did he go home?
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Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
rach |
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chaidh |
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dol |
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upset |
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Nighean |
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Again |
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teirig |
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