pl. -a, a. 1st comp feàrr or feabha, 2nd comp feàirrd or feabhaid, 3rd comp feabhas. [‡ says feàrr is a comp from the prep. ver (= Gaelic far, for, super. Now comp for math, but evidently once for fern, good. Stokes refers Old Irish ferr to vers, raise]. Good, having the proper or desired qualities. 2 Proper, fit, expedient, convenient. 3 Useful, profitable. 4 Uncorrupted, undamaged. 5 Good to eat, pleasant to the taste. 6 Complete, full. 7 Favourable, favouring, kind. 8 Good, moral, virtuous, pious. 9 Charitable, compassionate. 10 Valid, legal. 11 Consolatory. 12 Considerable, not trifling. 13 Pleasant, agreeable. 14 Dexterous, skilful, skilled, expert. 15 Proper, becoming, befitting, seemly. 16 Powerful, able, strong, influential, having authority, mighty. 17 Healthy, in good health. 18** Happy, glad. 19 Correct, accurate. 20 Prosperous, successful. 21 Sound, not false. 22‡‡ Ready, prepared. 23 Desirous, willing. 24 Just. 25 Fine, excellent. Duine math, a good man; astar math air falbh, a considerable distance off; ithibh na nithe a tha math, eat the things which are good; is math leam, I am glad; 2 I am willing; I wish; is fheàrr leam, I am more glad; 2 I had rather; 3 I rather wish, I wish more; is fheàrr dhomh, it is better for me; is math leam sin, I am glad of that; is math dhut, it is happy for you; am math leat mise a dhèanamh seo? do you wish me to do this? bha e math dhuinn, he was kind to us; is math mo chòir air, I have a good right to it; mas math mo bheachd-sa, if my opinion is correct; fhuair sinn cuid mhath dheth, we had a considerable portion of it; is math an salann, salt is useful; tha e math aig a h-uile ni, he is dexterous at everything; làithean matha 'fhaicinn, to see prosperous days; cho math 's a bha iad, as prosperous as they were; is math an ni dhut 'fhaicinn, you can hardly see it; latha math dhut! good day to you; oidhche mhath dhut! good night to you! tha e math air dol dachaigh a-nis, he is desirous of going home now; tha mi math air a h-uile ni dhiubh seo a dhearbhadh, I am prepared to prove all these things; is math leam e, I am fond of it; I am glad of it; tha an t-earrach ann 's gur math leam e, it is spring and I rejoice at it; math thu fhéin! well done! math an airidh, well-deserving; 2 deservedly, rightly; bu mhath an airidh sin a thachairt dha, that has deservedly befallen him; gun robh math agad! thank you! gun robh móran math agad! thank you very much! In Arran: Is math an sàs so am buntàta a lobhadh, is math an sàs so an gort a fhroiseadh, this (weather) is enough to rot the potatoes, to shake the standing corn; is math an sàs sibh mo chuir a-mach air an doras; you are enough to drive me out of the house (with noise) or to make me homeless (with your extravagance); nach math an sàs sin a thoirt breitheanais air an talamh; is not that enough to bring judgment on the earth; cha mhath gun, it is to be hoped; negatively; cha mhath gun do thachair a bheag dha, it is to be hoped that nothing has happened to him; glé mhath, good enough; math math, very good.
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tha a' chaora ann an tafainn an-sin |
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