gen beuma [& béime] pl -an, -annan, sm Stroke, blow. 2 Wound. 3 Gash, cut. 4(AC) Handful of corn cut at one stroke of the reaping-hook. 5 Taunt, sarcasm, insult, reproach, 6 Stream. 7 Torrent. 8 Knell. 9 Misfortune. 10** Gap. Gach cath is na bhuail mi beum, every battle in which I struck a blow; cha ruig thu leas beum a thoirt dhomh, you need not taunt or gibe me; chuir e beum air an stiùir, he gave the rudder a vigorous turn; mo chuislean mar bheum, my veins like a torrent; bhrùchd iad a-mach a dh'aon bheum, they poured forward in one body.
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