-uaighe, a Wretched, miserable, distressing, sad, sorrowful, unhappy. 2 Worthless. 3 Miserly. 4 Poor. 5 Baleful. 6 Pitiful. Och, is duine truagh mi! O wretched man that I am! duine truagh, a poor man; gu truagh trom, wretched and sad; is truagh leam thu! I pity you! nach truagh mo chàradh, how piteous is my case; is truagh nach fhaca mi e, it is a pity I did not see him; is truagh mar a thachair, sad is this occurrence; is truagh an tabhartas e, it is a miserable gift; comharra truagh a' bhàis, the dismal symptoms of death; cha truagh leam thu, I do not pity you; mas truagh leat e, if you pity him. In Arran truagh gun robh e = pity but he were; truagh gun robh thu eadar Allasan agus Eabhainn, pity but you were between Ailsa Craig and Sanda — form of imprecation.
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truagh |
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poor |
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tha i a' leigeil fodha |
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Ailsa Craig |
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Unhappy |
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