beairt, pl beairt [& bearta] sf Machine, engine. 2 Loom, frame. 3 Deed, work, exploit. 4 Harness, yoke. 5 Burden. 6 Shrouds, tackling of a ship. 7 Sheath, scabbard. 8 Bundle, truss. 9 Clothes. 10‡‡ Appendages of any kind. 11‡‡ Threatening. †12 Game at tables. †13 Judgment. †14 Covenant, agreement. 15(DC) As many sheaves as a rope one fathom long will suffice to bind together as a burden - Uist. 16(CR) Plough - Arran. There is no S sound as in the north. A bhearta iongantach, his wonderful works; bearta treubhantais, feats of valour; cóig luingis fo am beart, five ships in full equipment; a lann fo bheart, his sword in the scabbard; ar siùil is ar beart, our sails and our shrouds; eige anns a' bheart, a web in the loom; dà steud fo bheart, two steeds in harness; beart-dheiridh dialta, a crupper; cuiridh aon bheart ás gu lom gu duine is gun a chonn fo chéill, is cuiridh beart eile e ann, ach a gabhail 'na h-àm, one deed may a man undo when his reason ruleth not and a step may set him up, if taken in due time.
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beairt |
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chan eil e a' dol leotha idir |
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