-aid, sm Loan. 2 The thing borrowed. 3 Profit, advantage, 4 Credit. Millidh airc iasad, necessity spoils credit; ghabhadh e cridhe an iasad, he would take a heart on loan, or heart of grace — an exaggerated way of saying that one would borrow anything; bu choir an t-iasad a chur dhachaigh a' gàireachdaich, the loan should be sent laughing home — to lend freely is to send the borrower home smiling, to send the loan back laughing is to repay liberally; is tric a fhuair gunna urchair-iasaid, a gun has often got a loan-shot — a warning against careless use of firearms; na toir iasad air an iasad, do not lend the loan. [†† gives sf]
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