caise, a Steep. 2 Wreathed, curled, twisted. 3 Sudden, quick, rapid 4 Hasty, irritable. 5 Rash, passionate. 6 Headlong, abrupt, eager 7‡‡ Wrinkled. Duine cas, a passionate man; sruth cas, a headlong stream, an impetuous current; cas air a chéile, close upon each other; bruthach cas, aonach cas, a steep or headlong acclivity; cas gu còmhrag, eager for battle; cùl fàinneach, cas, curled, wreathed hair; cas-fhalt, curled locks; gu cas, quickly.
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Tuigidh mi am facal seo ach cha chleachd mi e / I know this word but don't use it
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Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
steep |
| 60 |
caise |
| 50 |
cas |
| 100 |
Twisted |
| 0 |
galar lìnigeadh a' chridhe |
| 50 |