Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-éibh, sm The chest, the breast. 2 Kind of basket or hamper used in the Highlands for carrying burdens and generally slung on each side of a horse, creel. 3 Stay. 4 Strait-jacket, strait-vest of wicker-work for a madman. 5†† Cheese-chest. 'S ann a tha an t-òlach ann an cliabh, the fellow is mad; a' taomadh mu a chliabh, pouring it on his chest; cliabh gùin, bodice of a gown; cliabhan mnà, stays; glacadh-cléibh, rickets.
Parts of a Creel:
1 Briagan a' chléibh, taobhaistean, holes round the centre. Mu bhriagan a' chléibh, about half-full.
2 Iris, iris-mhuineil, (AH) shoulder-band of creel (made of rope of woven grass). Called Uchdach, breast-band, in Lewis.
3 Dula na h-iris, loop of shoulder-band.
4 Scaingean, ribs.
5 An curra, an t-inneach, the woof or weft.
6 An dlùth, the warp.
7 Màs, bottom.

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cliabh 100
chleibh 50
MacFhlaithbheartaich 50
grass 0