Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-àith, -a, sm Flower, blossom. 2 Bloom. 3 Foliage. 4 Colour, hue. 5 Fruit. 6 Effect, consequence. 7 Mark, stain. 8 Form, manner. 9 Devotion. 10 Praise. 11‡‡ Green field. 12‡‡ Sea. 13 see blàdh. — Ged nach toir an crann-fìge uaith blàth, although the fig-tree shall not blossom; fo làn bhlàth, in full bloom; thig e a-mach mar bhlàth, he shall come out as a flower; bithidh a bhlàth ort, the (lit. its) effects will be seen in your case; is léir a' bhlàth ort, the (lit. its) consequences are obvious in your case; daraig as guirme blàth, an oak of the greenest foliage; blàth a dh'fhuirich air na cupaichean, the stain that remained on the cups; blàth nan deur mun tig an dìle, the drops show by their appearance that a flood is coming; blàth fearra-dhris sa choilleig, the hue of the briar-rose in the bud.

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Chan eil mi eòlach air an fhacal seo idir / I don't know this word  0 %
Tuigidh mi am facal seo ach cha chleachd mi e / I know this word but don't use it  0 %
Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it  100 %

Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
Facal-luirg/Search termBreith buntainneis
/Relevance judgement
Àireamh nam breith buntainneis
/Number of relevance judgements
blath 100
mark 0
Cups 0
co-dhiù is ann a dheòin no a dh'aindeoin 50
The 0