-a, -an, sm Wheel. 2** Rim of a wheel. 3 Halo. Tha roth mun ghealaich, there is a halo round the moon; roth a' mhuilinn, the mill-wheel; roth-cartach, a cart-wheel; roth mór, the driving-wheel of spinning-wheel; eadar na rothan, between the wheels. Parts of a Wheel:— 1 Aiseal, axle. 2 Bachall, hoop, tyre (iron ring on wheel). Crudha. Cearcall. 3 Bannan-cìche, nave-bands. 4 Bas, spoke. Clàr. ‡‡ Spòg. Tarsnan-rotha, (pl). spokes. 5 Cairt-cheap, nave. Ceap-chartach. Crùb. ‡‡ Crubh. (MS) Imleag-rotha. Cìoch na cùidhle. 6 Crann-aisil, axle-tree. 7 Cuairagean, felloe. Foileas. Roth, the felloes together. Reim. (WC) Cuairtlean. 8 Gramaiche, trigger — a catch to hold the wheel when driving on steep ground. 9 Ream, rim. Roithlean. Ruithlean. 10 Tarann-aisil, lynch-pin — pin that keeps the wheel on axle. Tarrang-cuibhle. 11 Slios, flange.
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