-aige, -an, sf Ridge of the back. 2 Loin (of flesh). 3 Hump. 4 Knoll. 5 Chine. 6†† Bank. 7 Small burden. 8 Dorn (fish). 9 Creel-pillow or -pad, placed between creel and back of bearer. — Lewis. 10** Summit, highest point of a ridge, 11†† Small height or ridge. 12** Cow having a hunched back. 13(DU) Swing, as used by children —Gairloch. Cuan meamnach nan dronnag, the bounding ridgy ocean.
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
suidheachadh |
| 101 |
suidheach |
| 50 |
setting |
| 1 |
position |
| 50 |
shuidheachadh |
| 1 |
settling |
| 50 |
posture |
| 50 |
settlement |
| 50 |
dronnag |
| 50 |
context |
| 0 |