caoil, pl. caoiltean, sm [& -aoil,] Narrow strait, sound, firth. 2** Narrow part of a river. 3** Smaller part of anything. 4(AC) Osiers. 5‡‡ Pile. Fo chaol nam marbh, under the pile of the dead; a' seòladh troimh na caoiltean, sailing through the straits; caol an droma, the small of the back; caol an dùirn, the wrist; caol na coise, the ankle; ceangail a chaoil, bind him hand and foot; an taigh caol, the narrow house (grave); caol a' coise, the small of the leg. "Caol ri caol," a rule observed by most writers of Gaelic. It prescribes that the vowels which flank any consonant, should, if narrow on one side, be narrow on the other also, as: buailteach (liable) not buailtach; oillteil (shocking) not oilltail. Grinne caoil, a bundle of osiers.
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narrow strait |
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