pl. -an & -achan, sm Beam or supporter of a house. 2 Seat. 3 Sitting. 4 Séjant, in heraldry. 5 Sederunt, session. 6‡‡ Incubation. 7 Level shelf on a hillside where one would naturally rest. 8 see sùithe. 9* Act or state of sitting. A' suidhe, pr pt of suidh. Maide-suidhe, couple of a house; 2 the spar to which is attached the chain or cronk on which to hang pots over a fire in the middle of the floor, also called maide-slabhraidh; dèan suidhe, sit, be seated; 'na shuidhe, he sitting; 'na suidhe, she sitting; suidh bìdh, a meal.
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