conj. As, even as, like, like as, in the same manner, in this or that manner. Mar tha, already; a bheil e air sgur mar tha? has he ceased already? mar seo, in this manner, in this direction; mar sin, in that manner, in that direction; mar sin fhéin, so and so; mar seo chaith sinn an oidhche, thus we spent the night; mar as sine am boc, 's ann as cruaidhe an adharc, the older the buck, the harder the horn; mar siud, in yon manner; mar a theicheas iad, as they scamper; mar rinn mise, just as I did; rinn e mar sin, he did so, in like manner; mar bu mhiann leis, just as he would wish; mar gum b' ann, just as it were; mar siud agus, so and so; mar aon, together; mar gun, as if; nas motha mar àirde a' chinn, higher by a head; mar uisge balbh, like still waters; cha robh e mar mhìle dhomh, he was not within a mile of me; is e as fhaisge mar dhà mhìle, it is nearest by two miles; mar mhìltean dhomh, within miles of me; tha e mar sin, he or it is so; mar sin bha mi òg, so was I in my youth; mar nach olc, not at all badly; is ann mar seo a tha a' chùis, the case stands thus; mar …, mar …, as … so …; mar a thubhairt thu, mar sin thachair e, as you said, so it happened; leth mar leth, half and half; mar gun rachadh cù ri caoraich, as a dog would go after
sheep. Mel. 141. [Governs a noun definite in the nom., but a noun indefinite in the dat. and aspirated. It does not aspirate a definite noun beginning with d, s, or t ].
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