Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-airt-, sf Weaver's loom.
The parts of a weaver's loom are named as follows (see Illustration 38):
1 Beart, Frame - Barra.
2 Crann snàth, garman shnàth, Yarn beam.
3 Crann aodaich, garman aodaich, Cloth beam.
4 Maide teannaidh, Beam (or weights) to keep threads of warp tight - Barra.
51 Acfhainn, iomallan, Heddles.
6 Ullagan, Batten - Barra.
7 Croinn chas, greallagan, cranna cas, cliath, casan, casaichran, Treadles (Barra, Skye, &c).
8 Spàl, [** smol], Shuttle.
9 Iteachan, boban, Bobbin.
10 Barran, Points.
11 Snàth, Thread.
121 Slinn, Sleay, Reed. The “slinn” is formed of 4 frames of reeds placed close to each other, the degree of closeness being in proportion to the texture of cloth to be woven. It is surmounted by a moveable smooth board called:
13 Slinn-chlàr, Sleay-board.
14 Sliast, sliastan**, Ledge.
15 Dlùth, Warp.
16 Inneach, inneadh, cuirreadh (Lewis) Uachdar (Barra), Woof.
17 Sméideagan, Heddle-bar.
18 Eige, clò, Web - Barra.
19 Garman-uchd (Argyll), sliseag-uchd (Hebrides), Breast-beam (square beam at weaver's breast when sitting at the loom).
20 Mogal, Heddle-eye, mesh.
21 Sliosan, Plates.
22 Uchd suidhichte, Standing back.
23 Uchd crochta, Hanging Back.
1Nos. 5 & 12 together, acainn meadhan.

Other Weaving Terms:

Ceithir-chuairt, 4-ply. Cuidheall-iteachan, Wheel on which bobbins are filled.
Cuibean, Knots of the warp, tied to a small rod before beginning to weave.
Dà-fhillt, Twill, double ply.
Dealg, Thin piece of wood or reed, put through the reed (iteachan).
Earrach (an), Stick with a nail in each end for keeping the cloth stretched broadways as it is woven.
Faochagan, ** see fuigheagan.
Fuigheagan, Thrums (threads that fasten the last end of web).
Iteachan, Reed.
Luigheagan, Thrums (the threads that fasten first end of web).
Maide-leigidh, Turning-stick.
Riaghailt, is for spreading the thread before putting it in the loom.
Rolagan, Rowans, rolls of wool after leaving the cards.
Teannadh, is a 2-pointed piece of wood put at the edge of the cloth as it proceeds (the sleay is brought against it) to make the cloth firm.

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weaving 50
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beart-fhigheadaireachd 50
chan eil fàth dhut a bhith a' gearan 50
smol 0
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