prep. About, around. 2 Of. concerning. 3 On account of, for. Mun cuairt, about, round about; mu thimcheall, about, around; 2 concerning; mu choinneamh, opposite; mu dheich mìle, about ten thousand; bha iad a' bruidhinn mu do dhéidhinn, they were speaking about you; a' taomadh mu a chliabh, pouring about his breast; leig leotha dol mu chùl a' ghnothaich, let them take a back seat; ciod mum bheil thu? what are you about? òigh mum bheil mo bhròn, a maid for whom is my grief; m' a càirdean, about her friends. In the South-west mu is used for gu, as, chaidh e mu thuath, he went to the North; tha e mu thuath, he is in the North; nuair a bhitheas an sgadan mu thuath, when the herring is in the North; an tìr mu thuath, the North country. [One cannot say “tha e gu tuath,” although “chaidh e gu tuath” is quite correct]. Chuairtich e mu h-aon agus mu dhà, he went round it once and twice — W. S. 2.98; thàinig an té mu dheireadh a-mach, the last (female) one came out. Thus combined with the personal pronouns: umam, about me; umad, about you (sing).; uime, about him; uimpe, about her; umainn, about us; umaibh, about you (pl).; umpa, about them. [Aspirates a noun sing., definite or indefinite and governs the dative case].
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isean iolaire |
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