§ feamnach, sf Seaweed of all kinds, cast ware, whether growing on the rocks or cast ashore. 2§ Rosebay. see seileachan Frangach — a common name for plants growing near water, especially if long-stalked. [Badge of the MacNeills]. [In Skye, Lewis &c. the red or tangle seaweed is called bruchd and the cutting seaweed an fheamainn. In Uist the red seaweed is called feamainn dearg, as distinguished from the black seaweed, which they cut on the rocks round the shore and which is called feamainn dubh. Feamainn is the general name for all kinds of seaweeds, but there are names for the different kind. Feamainn dearg, or bàrr dearg, as it is sometimes called, is red seaweed. In Uist the red seaweed, which is cast ashore in May, June and July and of which kelp was made, is called am bragaire. The cutting seaweed, an fheamainn ghearraidh, is known as (a) feamainn dubh, which does not float, it includes aona-chasach and baiteach — (PM); (b) feamainn bhuidhe or bhuidheagach, which floats; (c) gleadhrach, which also floats; and (c) feamainn-chìrean or chìreag. It is known as feamainn chìreanach in Uist, and feamainn-chìreag in Skye and Lewis. It is only a few inches in length and grows only on rocks that are seldom under the water during neap-tides. It has a strong laxative property, often being plucked off the rocks and boiled, when it is given to cattle that are suffering from dryness — JM. In Harris the long seaweed that can be reached when the tide is very low is called langadal, in Uist rochd — (DMC). In Loch Ewe red tangle is called feamainn dearg and barra-stamh — (DU). All seaweed cast ashore is called when in a heap on beach bruchd, otherwise it is feamainn-chura. The very same seaweed if cut from the rock by hand is called feamainn gheàrrta — (DMy).
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