-ais, -an, sm Knowledge. 2* Acquaintance. 3 Intelligence. 4 Skill, art. 5 Science. 6 Enchantment, spell, incantation. Dìth eòlais, ignorance; an tìr m' eòlais, in my own country; chaidh e air a eòlas, he strayed to the place he knew before — said of cattle; eòlas nan sùl, a spell to get free of a mote in the eye; eòlas-adhair, aerology; eòlas-bhithean, ontology; eòlas-cogaidh, tactics; eòlas-daingneachd, fortification; eòlas-inntinn, metaphysics; eòlas-meudachd, geometry; eòlas-nàdair, physics; eòlas-seòlaidh, intuition; cuir eòlas air, get acquainted with him.
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Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
eolas |
| 100 |
physics |
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meudachd |
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tragedy |
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traidseadaidh |
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tactics |
| 0 |
Place |
| 0 |
The |
| 0 |