Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-ain-, sm Butterfly. [Butterflies are very frequently confounded with moths, which are a different kind of insect altogether]. The following Gaelic names of the principal varieties of butterflies are from Forbes' Gaelic Names of Beasts, &c. An t-àilean donn, — maniola jurtinameadow brown. àrd-sheòladair bàn, — limenitis sibylla — white admiral. argas beag, — coenonympha pamphilus — small argus. argas Albannach, — erebia aethiops
— Scots argus. argas donn, — aricia agestisbrown argus. am baintighearna dreachmhor, — vanessa cardui — painted lady. an t-iompaire corcarach, — apatura iris —purple emperor. dealbhan gorm airgeadach, — plebejus argus — silver-studded blue. dealbhan fad-eàrr, — lampides boeticus — long-tailed blue. dealbhan geàrr-eàrr, — cupido argiades  — short-tailed blue. dealbhan mór an fhraoich, — coenonympha tullia — large heath. dealbhan beag an fhraoich, — caenonympha pamphilus — small heath. dealbhan breac na coille — pararge aegeria — speckled wood. Diùc Bhurgundi, — hamearis lucina — fritillary Duke of Burgundy. an donnag bhallach, or donnag a' bhalla, — lasiommata megera — wall butterfly. an donnan Arainneach, — erebia ligea — Arran brown. an donnan tuathach, — erebia aethiope — northern brown. an fhàinneag, — hipparchia hyperanthus — ringlet. fàinneag a' mhonaidh, — erebia cassiope — mountain ringlet. fàinneag bheag, — caenympha davus — small ringlet. an glaisean, — hyparchia samele — grayling. an gorman, — polyommatus icarus — common blue. gorman na cailc, — polyommatus coridon — chalk-hill blue. an gorman beag, — cupido minimus — little blue. marsairionach mór nan creag, — polyommatus acis — blue mazarine. an grìs-fhionnach geal, — arge galathea — marbled white. an leumadair beag, — thymelicus sylvestris — small skipper. an leumadair breac-bhallach, — carterocephalus palaemon — chequered skipper. an leumadair lachdann, — thanaos tages — Dingy skipper. an leumadair grìs-fhionn — pyrgus malvae — grizzled skipper. Lulworth mór Shasannach — thymelicus acteon — Lulworth skipper. an litir bhàn, — thecla w. album — white letter hair-streak. an roinne donn stiallach, — thecla betulae — brown hair-streak. an roinne dubh stiallach, — satyrium pruni — black hair-streak. an roinne stiallach chorcarach, — favonius quercus — purple hair-streak. an roinne stiallach uaine, — callophrys rubi — green hair-streak. an t-umhach beag, — lycaena phlaeas — small copper. [Description and illustration of every native British butterfly may be found in “British Butterflies.”]

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butterfly 100
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