a Second, either, either of two. An dara h-uair, the second time; an dara h-àite, the second place; an dara latha mu dheireadh dhen mhìos a dh'fhalbh, the last day but one of last month; chaidil mi dara leth na h-ùine, I slept half the time; an e ministear a tha anns an dara fear aca seo? do you mean to say that one of these two men is a minister? bheir thusa air an dara fear agus beiridh mise air an fhear eile, you catch one and I will catch the other. Dara does not aspirate, cha do sheinn i riamh an dara gluasad, she never required a second urging; thoir dhomh an dara fios mus falbh thu ás a seo, tell me one way or the other before you leave here; exceptions, — an dara mhàireach, the second morning**; togaidh mi thu an dara mhàireach — Bishop Carsewell. For “an dara cuid” see notes under cuid. Abbreviated 2nd. 2ra.
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