prep. Under, beneath, below. 2 At the foot of. 3‡‡ Towards. Aspirates a noun sing, definite or indefinite and governs the dative case. Tha tighinn fodham, it is my intention, or I am inclined to; fo chìs, tributary; fo bhròn, mourning; fo leòn, wounded; fo fheasgar, before evening; caidleam fon fheur, let me sleep beneath the turf; dà thoman fo dharaig, two little mounds at the foot of an oak; bheir mi an saoghal fo mo cheann, I will go abroad and take the world for my pillow — i.e. I will run away and take my chance in the world. Combined with the personal pronouns thus: fodham, under me; fodhad, under you (sing).; fodha, under him; foidhpe, under her; fodhainn, under us; fodhaibh, under you (pl).; fodhpa, under them.
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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
below |
| 20 |
fodham |
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Oak |
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under |
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world |
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fo |
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pòcaid-bhroillich |
| 50 |
Abroad |
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