Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


pr pt a' socrachadh, va & n. Establish, fix, make firm or steady. 2 Determine, appoint, decree. 3 Authorize. 4 Arrange, dispose, settle. 5 Appease, quiet, compose, assuage. 6 Stand firm. 7 Stop or cease any motion. 8* Level, make even. 9 Fix or place on a firm footing or foundation. 10 Stand at ease. 11(MS) Ballast. 12(MS) Becalm. Shocraich iad uile air an lón, they all stood firm on the plain; shocraich am feasgar, the evening settled; shocraich e fichead punnd Sasannach oirre sa bhliadhna, he settled £20 per annum on her; shocraich e a chridhe air sin, he set his heart on that; shocraich 'fhearg, his rage subsided; shocraich e an gnothach sin, he arranged that business; socraich an t-àite seo, level this place; socraichidh mi mo smuaintean, I will fix my thoughts.

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Chan eil mi eòlach air an fhacal seo idir / I don't know this word  0 %
Tuigidh mi am facal seo ach cha chleachd mi e / I know this word but don't use it  0 %
Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it  100 %

Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
Facal-luirg/Search termBreith buntainneis
/Relevance judgement
Àireamh nam breith buntainneis
/Number of relevance judgements
set 50
socrachadh 50
lodail 51
socraich 50
Ballast 0