prep (formerly de bhàrr) From, from off. 2 Down from. Bharr aghaidh na talmhainn, from the surface of the earth; theirinn i bharr a' chàmhail, she alighted from the camel; bharr do chos, from your feet; 2 come to grief as regards worldly matters; a bharr air sin, besides that; bharr an rathaid, off the way; bharr a leapa, off his bed, from his bed; bharr na cìche, weaned; nuair a bha teine ris an taigh, chunnaic e toit bharr a taighe, when the house was on fire, he saw smoke coming from her house; thig uair bharr fada an latha (air a' mhìos seo), the day will be an hour shorter this month) [gaining is tighinn ann bharr]; fhuair iad bharr an turais, they reached the end of their journey; chuir na breacain sealladh brèagh bharr na cuideachd, the, tartans gave the company a grand appearance (lit. put a beautiful appearance from off the company. [Always followed by the Genitive case].
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