-e, -ean, sf Noise. 2 Loud and continuous murmuring sound. 3 Pain, feeling of pain. 4* Noise of steam escaping, or of liquors fermenting, “singing” of a kettle, noise of frying. 5* Spigot of a cask. 6** Cry of pain or alarm. 7 Cry of woe. 8(AH) Derisive cheering — Uist. 9** Throbbing pain of the toothache. Is goirt leam gaoir nam ban Muileach, painful in my ears is the Mull women's cry of woe; gaoir eòin na tuinn, the noise of the sea-foal; gaoir sa mhadainn, a cry in the morning; gaoir 'na chluais, a tingling in his ear; gaoir chatha, a battle-cry; thoir a' ghaoir ás a' bhuideal, take the spigot out of the cask.
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