1st comp sine, 2nd comp sinid, 3rd comp sinead. Old, aged, ancient. Carson a dh'fhàsas iad sean? why do they become old? an sean sruthan sin, that ancient stream; bho shean, anciently, of old; fhuair e bas 'na sheann duine, he died an old man; cha sean do m' shean agus chan òg do m' òg thu, you are neither old with my old nor young with my young — i.e. as you are not related to me I will have nothing to do with you. [Sean does not aspirate a word following if if begins with d, l or t. It is pronounced and spelt seann when preceding a noun beginning with d, n, t, l, n or r but spelt sean and pronounced seann when placed before a noun beginning with any of the other letters].
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