Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


pr pt a' cur [& a' curadh, **] va Put, place. 2 Lay. 3 Send. 4 Invite. 5 Sow. 6 Act upon. 7 Produce an effect. 8 Influence. 9 Tire — Lewis. 10* Snow. Cuir enters into such a number of idiomatic phrases in Gaelic that it has been found necessary to annex a somewhat lengthy list for beginners. cuir a-bhàn, put down. cuir a' bhuntàta, plant the potatoes. cuir a dh'iarraidh, send for. cuir a dholaidh, spoil, abuse. cuir a ghal, set crying. cuir air, prevail. 2 molest. 3 beach, as a boat. Cha chuir e air, it will not annoy him; cuir air laidhe thuige, make the ship lie-to; is beag tha a' cur orm, I am quite well, alright; cuir an t-eathar air, beach the boat. cuir (an sgeul) air a bhallaibh, tell, relate adequately. cuir air adhart, forward, promote. cuir air aimhreidh, put wrong. cuir air ath latha, delay. cuir air bonnaibh, describe. Is deacair domh-sa a cur air a bonnaibh, it is very difficult for me to describe her adequately. cuir air chois, institute. 2 set on foot. 3 erect. 4 rouse out of bed. cuir air chrith, cause to shake. cuir air chuimhne, put in remembrance, remind cuir air cùl, abrogate, put behind, abandon, forget, discard. cuir àird (air), prepare (it). cuir air dìoghladh, see cuir bhon deoghal. cuir air falbh, put or send away, discharge. cuir air gnothach, send on a message. cuir air lagh, prepare, adjust as a bow, cock at a gun. cuir air leth, separate, appropriate, set apart. cuir air mhire, transport with. joy. cuir air mhisg, make drunk. cuir air riadh, put to usury. cuir air sheòl, put in good tune. cuir (air) teicheadh, put (him) to flight. cuir air a thapadh (e), encourage (him). cuir air thiormachadh, put out to dry, as washing. cuir aithne air, get acquainted with, renew acquaintance with. cuir alladh (air), libel him. cuir a-mach, publish as a book, 2 extinguish, put out. 3 vomit. cuir a-mach (air), set (him) at variance, quarrel with (him). 2 disagree. Chuir iad a-mach air a chéile, they disagreed. cuir am farsaingeachd, enlarge, extend. cuir am fiachaibh, bind one to act in a given manner. cuir am mearachd, misdirect, misadvise, deceive. cuir air mugha, render useless. cuir an aghaidh, oppose. Cuir 'na aghaidh, oppose him. cuir an àirde, put up, exalt. cuir an amharas, doubt. cuir an céill, declare, describe, confess. cuir an clòdh, print, set up in type. cuir an geall, bet, mortgage. cuir an gnìomh, put into action. cuir an ìre, cause to believe, 2 lay on, as a duty, compel. cuir ann, further, promote. 2 reinstate. Chuir e ann dhomh, he promoted my interest; cuir ann don mhath, promote good. cuir an neo-bhrìgh, make of none effect. cuir an neo-phrìs, despise. cuir an omhail, treat as nothing. cuir an suarachas, slight, make light of. cuir an suim, execute. cuir an seilbh, instal. cuir an umhail, suspect. cuir ás a ghabhail (e), disappoint (him). cuir ás a phoinc (e), disappoint (him). 2 convince (of error of his opinion). cuir ás (dha), extinguish (it). 2 devour or destroy (him). Cuir as don olc, prevent evil. cuir a shean, spend extravagantly. cuir a-staigh (air), make friends with him. 2 overtake him (WC). cuir ás (mo) leth, accuse (me). cuir athchuinge suas, pray, supplicate. cuir beannachdan, send compliments. cuir bhon deoghal, wean. cuir bhuat, put away from you. cuir campar (air), ruffle or vex (him). cuir car dhìot, bestir yourself. Gu dé an ath char a chur thu dhìot? what was your next move? cuir cath, fight. cuir ceart, put to rights. Cuir sa cheart na chì thu tuaitheal, put right what you see wrong. cuir crìoch (air), finish (it); kill (him). cuir thuige, urge, exert; prosecute. Cuir thuige am bàta, make the boat lie-to. cuir comhairle ri, confer, consult. cuir cuidheall dhìot, wheel about. cuir cùl ri, forsake, abandon. cuir dàil (ann), delay, forsake (it).. cuir deagh chath, fight a good battle. cuir deatach, emit smoke. cuir deuchainn air, put to trial. cuir (dhìot), take off, as an article of clothing. 2 descant, deliver, as a speech. Bha e a' cur dheth, he was talking away, or talking to himself; cuir dhìot do chòta, take off your coat. cuir dòchas ann, hope, confide, trust in. cuir duilgheas (air), grieve (him), cause (him) to mourn. cuir dragh (air), trouble him. cuir druigheachd (air), bewitch (him). cuir (eatorra), separate (them). 2(DU) cause a quarrel between them. cuir fàilte (air), salute (him). cuir faire, place a watch, observe. cuir fàs, lay waste. cuir fa sgaoil, release, let go. Bidh gùn is gùn 'gan cur fa sgaoil chùm aodaich do na caileagan, dress after dress will taken to pieces for frocks for the little girls. cuir feadh a chéile, mix, disarrange. cuir fios air, or cuir fios air thugad, send for (him). Cuir fios air an leabhar, send for the book; cuir fios a-nìos air, send word for him to come up. cuir fios d' a ionnsaigh, or cuir fios thuige, send word to him (not desiring his presence). cuir fodha, sink. cuir fodhad, put under thee; weather, as a boat. cuir fodhad an rudha sin, weather or get past that cape. cuir fo mhionnaibh, adjure by oath. cuir geall, bet, wager. Cuiridh mi geall riut nach robh, I'll bet you it was not so. cuir glan a dholaidh, spoil completely. cuir gu bàs, kill. cuir gu buil, occupy, employ to some purpose; 2 give effect to. cuir gu fulang, put to trial or suffering. cuir gu taic, trim, manage, give a dressing to. cuir gu taobh, put by. Cuir a dh'aon taobh, put all on one side; cuir an dara taobh, dispose of completely, set in the proper direction. cuir ìmpidh (air), constrain (him). cuir (leam), favour (me), support (me). cuir mar fhiachaibh (air), pretend, make (him) believe; make incumbent upon (him). cuir mu seach, lay by, accumulate. cuir na lìontan an, shoot the nets. cuir (ort), put on you. Cuir ort do bhrògan, put on your shoes. cuir réis, run a race. cuir ri, add to. 2 importune. 3 hasten, apply. 4 be active, be diligent. 5 study. 6 exaggerate. 7 worry. 8 muster. 9 baffle. Cuir riut, eat somewhat, get on with your food. cuir ris na ràimh, take to the oars. cuir romhad, resolve, propose. cuir (roimhe), prompt (him), dictate to (him). cuir sàradh, arreat (in law). cuir seach, see cuir seachad. cuir seachad, hoard, lay by. 2 avoid. Cuir seachad gach spàirn a bhuireadh ort, parry with ease every stroke aimed at you. cuir sìol, sow seed. cuir sìos air, abuse. cuir smugaid (air), spit on (it). cuir smùid, emit smoke. cuir sneachd, snow. Tha e a' cur an t- sneachd, it is snowing; tha e a' cur is a' cathadh, or tha cur is cathadh ann, it is snowing and drifting. cuir stad (air), stop (him). cuir suarach, despise. cuir suas, set up, establish, constitute. cuir suas air, praise — (DU). cuir suas athchuinge, pray, supplicate. cuir suas (leis), bear with (it or him). cuir sùrd air, prepare. cuir teicheadh air, put to flight. cuir thairis, put over, overflow; pass as time. cuir troid, fight, oppose. cuir umad, put on, about (you), dress (your)self. cuir ùbhla (air), fine (him). An ni a chuir iad ri an sùil, the thing that they had definitely concluded to do; cuir ris an iasgaich, employ yourself as hard as you, can at fishing; a' mheud mhór gun chur leatha, the great boasting without anything to support it; chuir sinn iad, we invited them; có a tha a' cur ort? who molests you? cuiridh mise riut, I will master or manage you; có a tha a' cur dragh ort? who molests you? cuir e, invite him; tha mi air mo chur, I am tired; cuir sna casan, take to your heels; cuir sna ràimh, row hard; cuir d' òrdag fo mo chrios, submit, yield; tha caochladh cuir air clò Chaluim, Malcolm's cloth is of a different set; b' olc an t-eòlas a chuir e orra, it was rather a bad thing for him to have ever become acquainted with them; chuir mi eòlach air a chéile iad, I introduced them to each other; cuir air laidhe thuige, make him heave-to; chuir e cluas air fhéin rium, he turned an attentive ear to me; 'se a chuir na cluasan air, it greatly surprised him; chuir e dà chluais air, he was greatly astonished (on hearing something wonderful).

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Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it  100 %

Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
Facal-luirg/Search termBreith buntainneis
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Àireamh nam breith buntainneis
/Number of relevance judgements
car 0
geall 50
cuir 100
put 50
Confess 0
Sink 0
Appropriate 0
tha éisteachd na muice bradaiche aig Calum 50
apart 0