a. 1st comp làidire, 2nd comp làidirid, 3rd comp làidiread. [The forms treise, treasa, treasaid and treasad, given in Gaelic grammars as comparatives of làidir are not so. These are comparatives of treun]. Strong, stout, able-bodied, powerful. 2 Potent, intoxicating. 3 Fortified, secure from attack, having great force or power. 4* Surprising, wonderful. 5‡‡ Hard of digestion, strong. 6‡‡ Strong in smell. Làidir mar na daragaibh, strong as the oaks; duine làidir, a strong man; deoch làidir, intoxicating liquor; dùn làidir, a well-secured fort; 's ann is làidir a gheibhear thu, you act or behave surprisingly well.
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