-e, sf Ore. 2 Mine. 3 Vein of metal. 4 Mind, desire, inclination, disposition, whether good or bad. 5 Native quality or energy. 6 Love, fondness. 7 Discretion, clemency. 8* Expression. 9** Air. 10 Mien. 11** Mercy. 12** Kindness. 13** Tenderness. Is dona a' mhèinn a tha ort, your expression of countenance does not betoken anything good; cia mór a mhèinn! how majestic his countenance! fàg 'na mhèinn fhéin e, leave it to his own discretion; duine air 'fhàgail g' a mhèinn fhéin, a man left to his own prudence; tha e 'nad mhèinn fhéin, it is left to your own clemency; am mèinn na gaoithe, to the mercy of the wind; talamh a bheir bàrr bho a mhèinn fhéin, land that produces crops of its own native energy; fo mhèinn, with the purpose of, having a mind to; mèinn airgid, silver ore; 2 a silver mine; mèinn iarainn, iron ore; 2 an iron mine.
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