s. People, folks, company. Used instead of fir, when the reference may be to women as well as men. luchd a' chridhe cheirt, the Just. luchd-ainneirt, see luchd-fòirneirt. luchd-àirde, attendants, retinue. luchd-aideachaidh, professors, those that profess religion or devotion. luchd-àìteachaidh, inhabitants; 2 husbandmen. luchd-aithris, talebearers. luchd-aithris sgeoil, see luchd-aithris. luchd-àitich, see luchd-àiteachaidh. luchd-amharc, spectators, onlookers. luchd-amharc thairis, superintendents, overseers. luchd-anacaicnt, evil speakers; 2 backbiters; 3 reproachful persons. luchd an airgid, money-changers. luchd an fhuar-chràbhaidh, hypocrites; 2 superstitious persons. luchd-bleith, grinders. luchd-brath, betrayers, spies, traitors. luchd-brathaidh, see luchd-brath. luchd-buain, reapers. luchd-buainidh, see luchd-buain. luchd-buanaidh, see luchd-buain. luchd-cagarsaich, whisperers. luchd-càineadh, see luchd-càinidh. luchd-càinidh, slanderers. luchd-calcaidh, caulkers. luchd-casaid, accusers, complainers. luchd-ceannairc, traitors, rebels. luchd ceart-deuchainn, jury. luchd-cèirde, artificers, craftsmen, mechanics. luchd-coimheadachd, see luchd-coimhideachd. luchd-coimhid, keepers, watchmen, guard; 2 observers. 3 attendants. luchd-coimhideachd, attendants, servants in waiting, retinue; 2 overseers. luchd-comhairle, advisers, counsellors. luchd-com-pàirt, partakers, sharers. luchd-co-thurais, fellow travellers. luchd-creachainn, abactors. luchd-creich, abactors. luchd-cumaidh, formers, contrivers, devisers, projectors. luchd-cumhaidh, mourners. luchd cur-spioradan fo gheasaibh, exorcists. luchd-dàimh, kindred. luchd-dèanamh, workers. luchd-deuchainn, jury. luchd-dìon, watchmen. luchd-droch-bheart, evildoers. luchd-droch-bheus, evil doers. luchd-eagail, timid or fearful persons. luchd-ealadhain, see luchd-ealain. luchd-ealaidh, skilful persons; 2 musicians; 3 gay or merry persons. luchd-èalaidh, hunters, deerstalkers, sportsmen. luchd-ealain, carpenters; 2 artisans; 3 skilled persons of all kinds. luchd-éisteachd, hearers. luchd-eithich, perjurers. luchd-eòlais, acquaintances. luchd-eucoir, unjust people; 2 oppressors. luchd-easaontais, transgressors. luchd-faire, watchmen, the watch. luchd-fairge, seafaring men, mariners. luchd-fàisneachd, soothsayers, augurs. luchd-feall-fhalach, ambuscade, liers in ambush or in wait. luchd-fiach, debtors. luchd-fianais, witnesses. luchd-fiodha, hewers of wood. luchd-fiosachd, augurs, soothsayers, wizards. luchd-foireigin, extortioners, oppressors. luchd-foireignidh, see luchd-foireigin. luchd-fòirneirt, oppressors. luchd-freachd, (AC) breakers. luchd-frithealaidh, attendants. luchd-gaoil, lovers; 2 beloved persons; 3 relations. luchd-gearraidh, hewers, cutters. luchd-glèidhidh, keepers. luchd-iodhal-aoraidh, idolaters. luchd-iomain, drivers, as of herds or flocks. luchd-iomchair, bearers. luchd-làmhachais, artillery; 2 bowmen; 3 stingers. luchd-làstain, impudent, petulant, proud or haughty people. luchd-leanmhainn, followers; 2 imitators, devotees; 3 persecutors; 4 pursuers. luchd-loingeas, seafaring men, sailors. luchd-malairt, traders, merchants, exchangers, barterers. luchd-millidh, spoilers, destroyers, plunderers. luchd-mì-rùin, malicious persons, haters. luchd-muinntir, servants, the servants of an establishment or family. luchd-munaidh, teachers, instructors. luchd na co-fhéiste, fellow guests, (co-luchd na féiste is better). luchd na h-aingidheachd, the wicked. luchd na h-ainneirt, violent persons. luchd-ràiteachais, boasters. luchd-reubainn, robbers. luchd-riaghlaidh, rulers, officers, overseers. luchd-sanais, scouts, spies, informers, watchers. luchd-saobh-chreidimh, sect, superstitious persons; 2 heretics. luchd-seinn, singers. luchd-sgeòil, tale-tellers, raisers of false reports. luchd-sgleò, tattlers. luchd-shaighead, archers. luchd-snaidhidh, hewers of stone. luchd-snathaidh, see luchd-snaidhidh. luchd-stiùraidh, leaders, directors. luchd-tagraidh, pleaders; 2 accusers; 3 creditors. luchd-tàir, reproachers. luchd-taigheadais, housekeepers. luchd-taimhlis, mockers. luchd-tarcais, despiteful persons; 2 despisers. luchd-tiolpaidh, cavillers; 2 purloiners, pilferers. luchd-togail, builders; 2 thieves, robbers; 3 collectors, gatherers. luchd-togail na cìse, tax-gatherers; luchd-togail-sgeòil, raisers of false reports. luchd-triall, travellers. luchd-triallaidh, see luchd-triall. luchd-tuaileis, slanderers, quarrelsome persons. luchd-tuairgnidh, faction. luchd-turais, travellers. luchd-urrais, sureties.
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