Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


s. People, folks, company. Used instead of fir, when the reference may be to women as well as men. luchd a' chridhe cheirt, the Just. luchd-ainneirt, see luchd-fòirneirt. luchd-àirde, attendants, retinue. luchd-aideachaidh, professors, those that profess religion or devotion. luchd-àìteachaidh, inhabitants; 2 husbandmen. luchd-aithris, talebearers. luchd-aithris sgeoil, see luchd-aithris. luchd-àitich, see luchd-àiteachaidh. luchd-amharc, spectators, onlookers. luchd-amharc thairis, superintendents, overseers. luchd-anacaicnt, evil speakers; 2 backbiters; 3 reproachful persons. luchd an airgid, money-changers. luchd an fhuar-chràbhaidh, hypocrites; 2 superstitious persons. luchd-bleith, grinders. luchd-brath, betrayers, spies, traitors. luchd-brathaidh, see luchd-brath. luchd-buain, reapers. luchd-buainidh, see luchd-buain. luchd-buanaidh, see luchd-buain. luchd-cagarsaich, whisperers. luchd-càineadh, see luchd-càinidh. luchd-càinidh, slanderers. luchd-calcaidh, caulkers. luchd-casaid, accusers, complainers. luchd-ceannairc, traitors, rebels. luchd ceart-deuchainn, jury. luchd-cèirde, artificers, craftsmen, mechanics. luchd-coimheadachd, see luchd-coimhideachd. luchd-coimhid, keepers, watchmen, guard; 2 observers. 3 attendants. luchd-coimhideachd, attendants, servants in waiting, retinue; 2 overseers. luchd-comhairle, advisers, counsellors. luchd-com-pàirt, partakers, sharers. luchd-co-thurais, fellow travellers. luchd-creachainn, abactors. luchd-creich, abactors. luchd-cumaidh, formers, contrivers, devisers, projectors. luchd-cumhaidh, mourners. luchd cur-spioradan fo gheasaibh, exorcists. luchd-dàimh, kindred. luchd-dèanamh, workers. luchd-deuchainn, jury. luchd-dìon, watchmen. luchd-droch-bheart, evildoers. luchd-droch-bheus, evil doers. luchd-eagail, timid or fearful persons. luchd-ealadhain, see luchd-ealain. luchd-ealaidh, skilful persons; 2 musicians; 3 gay or merry persons. luchd-èalaidh, hunters, deerstalkers, sportsmen. luchd-ealain, carpenters; 2 artisans; 3 skilled persons of all kinds. luchd-éisteachd, hearers. luchd-eithich, perjurers. luchd-eòlais, acquaintances. luchd-eucoir, unjust people; 2 oppressors. luchd-easaontais, transgressors. luchd-faire, watchmen, the watch. luchd-fairge, seafaring men, mariners. luchd-fàisneachd, soothsayers, augurs. luchd-feall-fhalach, ambuscade, liers in ambush or in wait. luchd-fiach, debtors. luchd-fianais, witnesses. luchd-fiodha, hewers of wood. luchd-fiosachd, augurs, soothsayers, wizards. luchd-foireigin, extortioners, oppressors. luchd-foireignidh, see luchd-foireigin. luchd-fòirneirt, oppressors. luchd-freachd, (AC) breakers. luchd-frithealaidh, attendants. luchd-gaoil, lovers; 2 beloved persons; 3 relations. luchd-gearraidh, hewers, cutters. luchd-glèidhidh, keepers. luchd-iodhal-aoraidh, idolaters. luchd-iomain, drivers, as of herds or flocks. luchd-iomchair, bearers. luchd-làmhachais, artillery; 2 bowmen; 3 stingers. luchd-làstain, impudent, petulant, proud or haughty people. luchd-leanmhainn, followers; 2 imitators, devotees; 3 persecutors; 4 pursuers. luchd-loingeas, seafaring men, sailors. luchd-malairt, traders, merchants, exchangers, barterers. luchd-millidh, spoilers, destroyers, plunderers. luchd-mì-rùin, malicious persons, haters. luchd-muinntir, servants, the servants of an establishment or family. luchd-munaidh, teachers, instructors. luchd na co-fhéiste, fellow guests, (co-luchd na féiste is better). luchd na h-aingidheachd, the wicked. luchd na h-ainneirt, violent persons. luchd-ràiteachais, boasters. luchd-reubainn, robbers. luchd-riaghlaidh, rulers, officers, overseers. luchd-sanais, scouts, spies, informers, watchers. luchd-saobh-chreidimh, sect, superstitious persons; 2 heretics. luchd-seinn, singers. luchd-sgeòil, tale-tellers, raisers of false reports. luchd-sgleò, tattlers. luchd-shaighead, archers. luchd-snaidhidh, hewers of stone. luchd-snathaidh, see luchd-snaidhidh. luchd-stiùraidh, leaders, directors. luchd-tagraidh, pleaders; 2 accusers; 3 creditors. luchd-tàir, reproachers. luchd-taigheadais, housekeepers. luchd-taimhlis, mockers. luchd-tarcais, despiteful persons; 2 despisers. luchd-tiolpaidh, cavillers; 2 purloiners, pilferers. luchd-togail, builders; 2 thieves, robbers; 3 collectors, gatherers. luchd-togail na cìse, tax-gatherers; luchd-togail-sgeòil, raisers of false reports. luchd-triall, travellers. luchd-triallaidh, see luchd-triall. luchd-tuaileis, slanderers, quarrelsome persons. luchd-tuairgnidh, faction. luchd-turais, travellers. luchd-urrais, sureties.

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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
Facal-luirg/Search termBreith buntainneis
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Àireamh nam breith buntainneis
/Number of relevance judgements
luchd 100
people 0
craobh-pheur 52
guard 0
Craobh 0
pear 50
pear tree 50
Com 0
Thairis 0
Foir 0