eòin, sm Bird, fowl. 2* Chicken. 3 Pout (fish). Eun-siubhail, a bird of passage, a straggler.
Parts of a Bird (Buill Eòin):1 Dìon cluaise, ear-covert, soft feathers covering external organ of hearing.
2 Slinneanaich, scapulars, feathers which cover shoulders and shoulderblades.
3 Sgiath mhealltach, bastard wing, a number of feathers bearing a resemblance to the true wing.
4 Dìon-sgéith beag, lesser wing-coverts.
5 Prìomh dìon-sgéith, greater wing-coverts.
6(DC) Itean gàirdeanach, (DMy) Prìomh itean sgéith, itean móra na sgéith, primaries or principal quills, (the termination of the wings and the strongest feathers on the bird).
7 Dara itean sgéith, secondaries or second quills of the wings.
8 Treas itean sgéith, tertiaries or third quills of the wings.
9 Prìomh itean an earbaill, itean móra an earbaill, rump feathers and upper tail-coverts.
10 Fo-itean an earbaill, itean beaga an earbaill, vent feathers and under tail-coverts.