pr pt a' sìneadh, va Stretch. 2 Increase in length, stretch out. 3 Hand, reach anything to another. 4** Prolong. 5* Pursue, chase. 6** Grow in stature. 7* Lean or lounge on a bed. 8 Lie at full length. 9†† Extend. 10(DU) Begin, commence. Sìn dhomh sin, hand me that; sìn do làmh, stretch out your hand; sìn do làmh dha, extend your hand to him; drub him; tha e a' sìneadh, he is growing; ma shìneas Dia mo làithean, if God prolong my days; shìn sinn orra, we pursued them with all our might; an déidh sìnidh, having commenced; shìn i ris, she was seduced by him; sìn air, chase him; tha e 'na shìneadh, he is leaning or lounging on the bed; shìn e ás, he hurried off — WS2 216; shìninn mo làmh, I would stretch my hand; sìnidh e a làithean, he will prolong his days.
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