irr v Come. 2 (with prep do) Become, suit, fit, befit. 3 (with prep ris) Agree with, please, be acceptable to. 4 (with preps o or de) Recover, escape, get the better of. 5 (with prep air) Speak of, reflect upon, speculate about. 6 (with prep eadar) Disagree, quarrel. Conjugated thus: Active Voice IND past thàinig mi etc, I etc came. IND fut thig mi etc, I etc shall come. INTERROG & NEG past (an? nach? cha) dàinig mi etc, did I etc (not) come? I etc did not come. INTERROG & NEG fut (an? nach? cha) dig mi etc, shall I etc (not) come? I etc shall not come. SUBJ past (ged) thiginn, (though) I would come, (ged) thigeadh tu, e, i, sibh, iad, (though) you, he, she, you, they would come, (ged) thigeamaid, (though) we would come. SUBJ fut (ma) thig mi etc, (if) I etc shall come. IMP 1st pers sing thigeam, let me come. IMP 2nd thig, come you (sing). INFIN a thighinn, to come. PRES PT a' tighinn, coming. Passive Voice — None. Thig thusa leamsa, you come with me; thig sinn leibh, we will come with you; cha dig sinn leibh, we will not come with you; cha dàinig iad, they did not come; is math a thig an còta dhut, the coat becomes you well; ciamar tha e a' tighinn dhomh? how does it become me? ciamar a thig sin riutsa? how will that please you? cha dig sin gu math ris, that will not please him well; thig e bhuaithe, he will recover; thig iad ort gu farsaing, fial, they shall speak of you far and wide, everywhere and liberally; bithidh iad a' tighinn oirnn, they will speak of us, our conduct will be a matter of reflection; thig air, talk about it; b' ann air gaol bha i a' tighinn, it was love she was speaking of —R 14.17; chan eil stàth a' tighinn air sin, there is no use in speaking of that; thàinig againn air labhairt uime, we chanced to speak about him; thàinig iad am briathran seanachais air a' chéile, they spoke concerning old times to each other (lit. they came into the words of old-time talk on each other); dé a tha tighinn ris? what ails him? dé a thigeadh ri a nàdar, what would suit his nature? — WH 1.12; thàinig eadar iad, they have quarrelled; thàinig orm falbh, 1 was obliged to go; cha dig snàth do mhnà-sa ri snàth mo mhnà-sa, your wife's spinning will not compare with my wife's; cha digear bhon ghàbhadh tric, one would not come safely out of frequent danger; thig orm, I must; thig ort, you must, &c; thig orm falbh, I must go. In Arran thig means go, not come. Thalla a-steach, (pl thallaibh a-steach) come in; thig a-steach, go in; thig air falbh, go away; thig a Hiort, go to St. Kilda — the equivalent of “go to Jericho”.
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cha dig |
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Àsdal |
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everywhere |
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