-a, -an, sf Scratch, track, mark, line, scrape. 2 Furrow, as of a plough. 3 Cart-rut. 4 Trip, journey, excursion. 5 Calamity, bereavement. 6 Itching of the lip, superstitiously supposed to portend a kiss (sgrìob-pòige), or sgrìob-dighe (or sgrìob-drama), a dram. 7 Curry-comb. 8 Stroke of a whipsaw 9†† Hurt. Sgrìob don Ghalltachd, a trip to the Lowlands; thoir sgrìob mun cuairt, take a turn round, make a circuit; sgrìob an t-sàibh mhóir, a stroke af the whipsaw; sgrìob-croinn, the furrow of a plough; sgrìob-bhuntàta, a drill of potatoes.
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