-a, pl. –anna & -annan, sm Law. Generally masculine but feminine in Sutherland and Badenoch (DMu). 2 Order, method. 3 Act of Parliament. 4 Stretch or bend of a bow. Lagh na dùthcha, the law of the land; bogha air lagh, a bow on the stretch; lagh nan deas-ghnàth, the ceremonial law; lagh a' chòir-cheartais, the judicial law; lagh nam modhan (of modhannan), the moral law; lagh na h-eaglais, the canon law; fo chasan an lagha, under the feet of the law — said of anyone who has committed a crime; air lagh, trimmed, ready for action; chan eil lagh no binn agam dha, I have neither law nor sentence for him — I don't want to have anything to do with him, I despise him.
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