siùil, siùil, sm Sail. 2** Ship. Bràigh-sheòl, a topsail; chunnaic sinn seòl, we saw a sail; seòl-mullaich, top-gallant; seòl-spreòid, a jib; seòl-beag toisich, a jib; prìomh-sheòl or seòl-mór, a mainsail; seòl-toisich, a foresail; siùil-dhalla, topsail and jib; seòl uachdrach, topsail; seòl-meadhanach, a mainsail; m' anam mar sheòl san doinnean, my soul like a sail in the storm; crann-siùil, a mast; thog iad an siùil, they hoisted their sails; seòl-cinn, jib. Names of Parts of a Sail [Gaelic names not marked are from DMy]: 1 Am pic, an coise, gaff. 2 Lubach, cainb a' mheurain, (AH) cringle. 3 Sgòd-thoisich, clew. 4 Bonn, foot. 5 Ceann, head. 6 Taom, luff. 7 Ceanglaichean, reef-points. 8 Crann-sgòide, slat-bhuinn (AH) boom. 9 Ball-toisich, cluas an t-siùil (AH) tack. 10 Ball-deiridh, leud-deiridh (AH) afterleech. 11 Sgòd-dheiridh, clewpiece. 12 (MMcD) Corse, the part between upper reef-points and yard — Lewis. 13 (MMcD) During very bad weather when the end of the yard is tied to the foot of the mast and the point of the yard hoisted, it is called a' chrois — Lewis.
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