Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


siùil, siùil, sm Sail. 2** Ship. Bràigh-sheòl, a topsail; chunnaic sinn seòl, we saw a sail; seòl-mullaich, top-gallant; seòl-spreòid, a jib; seòl-beag toisich, a jib; prìomh-sheòl or seòl-mór, a mainsail; seòl-toisich, a foresail; siùil-dhalla, topsail and jib; seòl uachdrach, topsail; seòl-meadhanach, a mainsail; m' anam mar sheòl san doinnean, my soul like a sail in the storm; crann-siùil, a mast; thog iad an siùil, they hoisted their sails; seòl-cinn, jib.
Names of Parts of a Sail [Gaelic names not marked are from DMy]:
1 Am pic, an coise, gaff.
2 Lubach, cainb a' mheurain, (AH) cringle.
3 Sgòd-thoisich, clew.
4 Bonn, foot.
5 Ceann, head.
6 Taom, luff.
7 Ceanglaichean, reef-points.
8 Crann-sgòide, slat-bhuinn (AH) boom.
9 Ball-toisich, cluas an t-siùil (AH) tack.
10 Ball-deiridh, leud-deiridh (AH) afterleech.
11 Sgòd-dheiridh, clewpiece.
12 (MMcD) Corse, the part between upper reef-points and yard — Lewis.
13 (MMcD) During very bad weather when the end of the yard is tied to the foot of the mast and the point of the yard hoisted, it is called a' chrois Lewis.

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sail 150
seol 100
beiribh air fear an t-aon 50
Gaelic 0