-e, -ean, sf Manner, method, knack, ways and means. 2 Case, trim, condition, state, order. 3 Good order. 4 Proper arrangement. 5 Hope, confidence, trust. 6** Fire. 7** Supposition, opinion. 8 Guess. 9 Testimony. 10 Mood of a verb. Tha dòigh air a h-uile ni — tha dòigh air buan an fhraoich, there's a knack in everything, there's a knack in pulling heather; air an dòigh seo, in this manner; dé an dòigh a tha ort? how are you? cuir air dòigh, arrange, adjust, put in order; cuiridh mi mo dhòigh an Dia, I will put my confidence in God; gun dòigh, out of order, absurd; co-ionn an air gach dòigh, in every way equal; ciod an dòigh a tha ort? how are you? mas olc no math mo dhòigh, whether my condition be good or bad; tha dòigh mhath orra, they are in good or comfortable circumstances; 'se a tha air a dhòigh, he is very pleased or happy.
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uidheam |
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how are you |
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gear |
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harness |
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