-a, [AC gen sing & npl — Isles]. sm The poor, the parish poor. 2 Poor person. Coinnichidh am beartach agus am bochd a chéile, the rich and poor meet together; cuid de bhochdaibh na tìre, some of the poor of the land; a' roinn airgead nam bochd, distributing the poor's funds; am bochd is an nochd, the poor and the naked; treabhadh nam bochd, the tillage of the poor. [Declined like boc, buck in Barra, &c. Is miste na buic a bhith lìonar, the poor are the worse of being numerous; na beirt a' dol a suas, na buic a' dol a sìos, the rich going up, the poor going down. — AC]
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