gen sing -àir, n pl -àir, -a, & -an, sm Plain, field. 2 Ground, floor. 3 White spot on the face of animals, (chiefly applied to cows and horses). 4* Cow with a white spot on its face. 5 Green. 6 Battle. 7 Battlefield. 8 Peat moss, marsh. An ciad bhlàr a chuir iad, the first battle they fought; a' dol sìos dhan bhlàr, going down to the battlefield; fraoch nam blàr, the rage of battle; a-muigh air a' bhlàr, out on the plain; 'na shìneadh air a' bhlàr, stretched on the ground or on the floor; chaidh e feadh a' bhlàir, it spilled on the ground; sgeadaichear na blàir, the plains shall be adorned; réidh a' bhlàir, the plain of battle; thoir am blàr ort! away with you! tha blàr 'na h-aodann, she (the cow) has a white spot on her forehead; bhon bhlàr gu a bhàrr. from the ground to its top.
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cobhair orm! |
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