cip, pl. cip, ceapa & ceapan, sm Block. 2 Shoemaker's last. 3 Top, as of a hill. 4 Stocks. 5 Trap, snare. 6 Sign set up, as a rallying point in time of battle, corresponding to ceap-catha - Conn Mac an Deirg (MacNicol’s version.) 7 Cap. 8* Clog or stumbling block on a beast's foot. 9 Sort of sofa or couch formed of peats, placed between the fire and the bed in the bothan-àiridh, and used as a seat. 10 Nave of a wheel. 11** Head. 12(MS) Bilboes. Leag iad ceap, they laid a snare; peanas a' chip, the punishment of the stocks; ceap nam mór chruach, the top of the lofty hills.
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