Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


gort, ivy, the seventh letter of the Gaelic alphabet now in use. When this letter is followed by one or more of the vowels a, o, u, it sounds nearly like g in gap, goose or rather, it is sounded harder than g and not so hard as c. G at the end of a word, if preceded by one or more of the vowels a, o, u or a liquid, sounds most frequently like k in rook, hook, as, rug, bore, thug, gave; (pron. rook, hook). Gh, before a, o or u has an aspirated power, to which there is no correspondent sound in English, but when followed by e or i, it sounds like y in ye, as, gheibh, will get. Gh, at the end of words or syllables is seldom pronounced at all, as, faigh, get; rìoghachd, a kingdom. When g is preceded by i or followed by e or i, it has a mellow sound, like g in girl, as, gin, produce; géire, sharpness. In conversation g is often elided in agam, agad, againn, agaibh. In Arran it is elided also in Gilleasbaig, Eanraig, thàinig, Dòmhnas Càsg (Easter Sunday) and in sealg in latha shealg na cuthaige; is preserved in Sasgann, though not in Sasannach and in some instances it has become t or d after s at the end of a syllable, as uiste (for uisge, water); sothaistean (for sothaisgean, primrose).

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Tuigidh is cleachdaidh mi am facal seo / I know this word and use it  100 %

Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
Facal-luirg/Search termBreith buntainneis
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Àireamh nam breith buntainneis
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co-fhreag 50
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match 3
agree 50
g 50
co-fhreagair 50
K 0
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