Dwelly-d Faclair Dwelly air loidhne Dwelly's Gaelic Dictionary Online


-ean, sm Byre, cowhouse.
Parts of a Byre (see Illustration):
1 Balla, Wall.
2 Amar, Trough.
3 Post deiridh, Hind-post.
4 Maide mullaich, Top rail.
5 Clach amail, Curbstone.
6 Bùird tharsainn, Travis boards.
7 Bacan, Stake.
12 Inne, carcair, gruip, (MM) Gutter.
13 Ùrlar, Paved floor.
Buall, buist, Stall.
Prasach, Manger, (not in illust).
People from Harris and other parts of the Hebrides use this as a feminine noun, with bàthcha or bàthchadh as the genitive singular, e.g. doras na bàthchadh, the door of the byre; am bàthaich Ruairidh Ghobha, in Rory the smith’s byre, that is to say in the open air.

Additional Names of Parts of a Byre:

1 Bac, sm A stall-tree.
2 Calpa, sm The part of a tether between the stake and the swivel.
3 Ceangal, sm Tie-band. Stall-tie.
4 Cipean, sm Stake; No. 8.
5 Corrthalan, s Swivel of a tether.
6 Dòrnan, sm Part of the tether between the swivel and the animal.
7 Geinne, sm A wooden wedge for fastening the ‘buarach’ or cow-fetter.
8 Grob, sm Channel, gutter or sewer of a byre - Arran. No. 12.
9 Innidh, sf Byre channel; No. 12.
10 Inich, (CR) sf The paved floor of the byre, elevated above the carcair; No. 13.
11 Udalan, sm Swivel of a tether.

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Chaidh a chur an cèill gu bheil am facal seo a' buntainn ris na faclan-luirg a leanas / This word has been judged relevant to the following search terms:
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bathaich 100
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cha rachainn gu cùl cnuic leis aig meadhan latha 50
Harris 0
Inich 0
People 0
G 0
Wooden 1